・Lower Cowling)(品番:BPFL-9036)
・Seat Cowling(品番:BPFT-9036(p))
・UpperCowling (GRP)NX5 RS250R (品番:BPFU-9336)
・Screen Clear(品番:SCRE-0176)
・Seat Support RS250R NX5(品番:BPFX-9036)
Complete Bodywork kit which consists of the following products:
Upper Cowling Race、 (GRP) NX5 RS250R (1995 NSR250 Style) (BPFU-9336)The upper fairing is modelled off the 1995 NSR250 racer、 but will fit any NX5 which has the ram air through the fuel tank system. Made from high quality epoxy resin and 200 gram glass fabric、 this product is both light and strong. It will tend to flex and not shatter in the event of an accident and hold up well to minor crashes. It is finished in primer ready for paint. To be used with lower cowling BPFL-9036.Lower Cowling、 (GRP) NX5 RS250R Late Model Style (BPFL-9036)The lower fairing is modelled off the ram air version of the NX5 RS250R but will fit any NX5 which uses a stock upper as far as we can tell. Made from high quality epoxy resin and 200 gram glass fabric、 this product is both light and strong. It will tend to flex and not shatter in the event of an accident and hold up well to minor crashes. It is finished in primer ready for paint. To be used with upper cowling BPFU-9036Seat Cowling Race (GRP) NX5 RS250R (1995 NSR250 Style) (BPFT-9036)This seat cowling is modelled on the 1995 factory NSR250 racer look as ridden by Ukawa、 Okada、 Romboni、 Jacque etc. and is a direct fit for the NX5. The seat cowling uses a special seat support which bolts to the subframe using existing mounting lugs and the seat cowling is covered underneath for streamlining and protection of the PGM and connectors. It is easy to install and being made from high quality epoxy resins and top quality glass fabric is strong and crash resistant.Seat Support NX5 RS250R (BPFX-9036)Screen Clear NX5 RS250R (1995 NSR250 Style) (SCRE-0176)
備考: NX5